eBook FAQ

Q: What is an eBook? Is it a PDF?

A: eBook is a generic term for “electronic book”, which is a way of distributing written material so that it can be read on electronic devies such as computers, smartphones and tablets.  eBooks can be distributed in several formats, but the format we use is an Adobe DRM-protected PDF file.

Q: What is DRM?  What restrictions are placed on my eBook by DRM?

A: DRM stands for Digital Rights Management.  DRM prevents unauthorized copying and usage of the eBook.  You may install our eBook on 1 of your devices (computers, phones and/or tablets) but you may not distribute copies of the eBook to others.  You cannot copy text or pictures from the eBook, and you cannot print any portion of the eBook.

Q: How do I read an eBook?  Can I open it in Acrobat Reader?

A: You cannot use Acrobat Reader to read an eBook because Acrobat does not understand Adobe DRM.  You will need to install an Adobe DRM-aware reader app and register it with Adobe before you download your first eBook.  There are apps available for just about every platform, including Windows, OS X (Apple), Linux, Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Q: Once I have purchased my eBook, will it always be available?

A: Yes, once you have purchased the eBook, it is yours.  You should save your e-mail receipt, which contains the download link, in case you should need to download the file again at a later time.

Q: I would like a step-by-step guide to installing an eBook reader and downloading the eBook.

A: We’ve got one for you right here.